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Created by thejessewinton on 2/2/2024 in #help
Not enough information to infer relation
I’m having an issue with my schema that is a migration from Prisma. For this particular issue, I have a job table, and a candidates table, each of them has a many relation to the other, so a job can have many candidates, and a candidate can have many jobs. When I try and run my project, I’m getting “There is not enough information to infer relation “job.candidates”.” Here’s my schema, can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong:
export const candidates = mysqlTable(
id: bigint('id', { mode: 'number' }).primaryKey().autoincrement(),
user_id: varchar('user_id', { length: 255 }).notNull(),
job_id: bigint('job_id', { mode: 'number' }).notNull()
(table) => ({
jobIdIdx: index('candidates_jobId_idx').on(table.job_id),
userIdIdx: index('candidates_userId_idx').on(table.user_id)

export const candidatesRelations = relations(candidates, ({ one, many }) => ({
user: one(users, { fields: [candidates.user_id], references: [], relationName: 'candidateToUser' }),
jobs: many(job, { relationName: 'candidatesToJob' })

export const job = mysqlTable(
id: bigint('id', { mode: 'number' }).primaryKey().autoincrement(),
title: text('title').notNull(),
user_id: varchar('user_id', { length: 255 }).notNull(),
team_id: bigint('team_id', { mode: 'number' }).notNull()
(table) => ({
userIdIdx: index('jobs_userId_idx').on(table.user_id),
teamIdIdx: index('jobs_teamId_idx').on(table.team_id)

export const jobRelations = relations(job, ({ one, many }) => ({
user: one(users, { fields: [job.user_id], references: [], relationName: 'user' }),
candidates: many(candidates, { relationName: 'candidatesToJob' }),
tags: many(tags, { relationName: 'tags' }),
job_activity: many(jobActivity, { relationName: 'job_activity' }),
comments: many(jobComments, { relationName: 'job_comments' })
export const candidates = mysqlTable(
id: bigint('id', { mode: 'number' }).primaryKey().autoincrement(),
user_id: varchar('user_id', { length: 255 }).notNull(),
job_id: bigint('job_id', { mode: 'number' }).notNull()
(table) => ({
jobIdIdx: index('candidates_jobId_idx').on(table.job_id),
userIdIdx: index('candidates_userId_idx').on(table.user_id)

export const candidatesRelations = relations(candidates, ({ one, many }) => ({
user: one(users, { fields: [candidates.user_id], references: [], relationName: 'candidateToUser' }),
jobs: many(job, { relationName: 'candidatesToJob' })

export const job = mysqlTable(
id: bigint('id', { mode: 'number' }).primaryKey().autoincrement(),
title: text('title').notNull(),
user_id: varchar('user_id', { length: 255 }).notNull(),
team_id: bigint('team_id', { mode: 'number' }).notNull()
(table) => ({
userIdIdx: index('jobs_userId_idx').on(table.user_id),
teamIdIdx: index('jobs_teamId_idx').on(table.team_id)

export const jobRelations = relations(job, ({ one, many }) => ({
user: one(users, { fields: [job.user_id], references: [], relationName: 'user' }),
candidates: many(candidates, { relationName: 'candidatesToJob' }),
tags: many(tags, { relationName: 'tags' }),
job_activity: many(jobActivity, { relationName: 'job_activity' }),
comments: many(jobComments, { relationName: 'job_comments' })
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