Created by LuizBorges on 5/5/2023 in #help
❔ Nuget incompatible with framework
I'm new to nuget and I'm trying to add CsvHelper to a project. I tried all .NET Frameworks from 6.0 to 8.0, all with the same result: - error: NU1100: Unable to resolve 'CsvHelper (>= 30.0.1)' for 'net6.0' - Package 'CsvHelper' is incompatible with 'all' frameworks in project Am I doing something wrong? How this should work? CsvHelper is marked as compatible with net6.0 and still didn't work.
19 replies
Created by LuizBorges on 9/3/2022 in #help
Simpler route to get into webdev
I've programmed in c# for a long time before (both console and winforms), but not much in recent years. It was always my language of choice, for the odd console apps I had to do for work. Now I've been thinking about making some small apps for work that would work online in a browser and have some nice graphics for representing data. From what I gather, there is the Blazor way using MAUI and the Uno Platform way. But my years away from development (and never doing any webdev) are showing and I'm very lost. I'm even considering trying to learn some JS/TS and use something like Vue or Angular. I know enough HTML and CSS to get by, and some JS (but nothing about promises or advanced language concepts). What do you recommend me? Both as tool of choice and as learning resource?
14 replies