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Created by royanger on 9/3/2024 in #✋|help
This PR was not deployed automatically
I have a team member who had a different email set as their primary in GitHub, and their PRs are getting the following error. They have updated GitHub so the primary email is the same as their email in Railway, but the PR is still not get generating a preview deployment. Closing and reopening the PR did not resolve it. Is there anyway to resolve this without closing the PR and creating a new one? "This PR was not deployed automatically as @issuedat does not have access to the Railway project."
4 replies
Created by royanger on 8/19/2024 in #✋|help
Environment Variables are returning undefined
I started getting this issue several days ago but I hadn't had time to look into it until now. Suddenly all builds are failing for either service in the project indicating that the env vars are not valid. I ended up adding the following to one of the apps to see what was happening:
console.log('CLERK_BOT_ACTIVE', process.env.CLERK_BOT_ACTIVE)
console.log('CLERK_BOT_TOKEN', process.env.CLERK_BOT_TOKEN)
console.log('DISCORD_FORUM', process.env.DISCORD_FORUM)
console.log('DISCORD_SERVER_ID', process.env.DISCORD_SERVER_ID)
console.log('CLERK_BOT_CLIENT_ID', process.env.CLERK_BOT_CLIENT_ID)
console.log('DATABASE_URL', process.env.DATABASE_URL)
console.log('CLERK_BOT_TAG_NEW', process.env.CLERK_BOT_TAG_NEW)
console.log('CLERK_BOT_TAG_CLOSED', process.env.CLERK_BOT_TAG_CLOSED)
console.log('SENTRY_DSN', process.env.SENTRY_DSN)
console.log('ENVIRONMENT', process.env.ENVIRONMENT)
console.log('PLAIN_API_KEY', process.env.PLAIN_API_KEY)
console.log('DASHBOARD_URL', process.env.DASHBOARD_URL)
console.log('CLERK_BOT_ACTIVE', process.env.CLERK_BOT_ACTIVE)
console.log('CLERK_BOT_TOKEN', process.env.CLERK_BOT_TOKEN)
console.log('DISCORD_FORUM', process.env.DISCORD_FORUM)
console.log('DISCORD_SERVER_ID', process.env.DISCORD_SERVER_ID)
console.log('CLERK_BOT_CLIENT_ID', process.env.CLERK_BOT_CLIENT_ID)
console.log('DATABASE_URL', process.env.DATABASE_URL)
console.log('CLERK_BOT_TAG_NEW', process.env.CLERK_BOT_TAG_NEW)
console.log('CLERK_BOT_TAG_CLOSED', process.env.CLERK_BOT_TAG_CLOSED)
console.log('SENTRY_DSN', process.env.SENTRY_DSN)
console.log('ENVIRONMENT', process.env.ENVIRONMENT)
console.log('PLAIN_API_KEY', process.env.PLAIN_API_KEY)
console.log('DASHBOARD_URL', process.env.DASHBOARD_URL)
In the deploy logs I see the following:
clerk-bot:start: CLERK_BOT_ACTIVE undefined
clerk-bot:start: CLERK_BOT_TOKEN undefined
clerk-bot:start: DISCORD_FORUM undefined
clerk-bot:start: DISCORD_SERVER_ID undefined
clerk-bot:start: CLERK_BOT_CLIENT_ID undefined
clerk-bot:start: DATABASE_URL undefined
clerk-bot:start: CLERK_BOT_TAG_NEW undefined
clerk-bot:start: CLERK_BOT_TAG_INVESTIGATING undefined
clerk-bot:start: CLERK_BOT_TAG_RESOLVED undefined
clerk-bot:start: CLERK_BOT_TAG_CLOSED undefined
clerk-bot:start: CLERK_BOT_TAG_ENGINEERING undefined
clerk-bot:start: SENTRY_DSN undefined
clerk-bot:start: ENVIRONMENT undefined
clerk-bot:start: PLAIN_API_KEY undefined
clerk-bot:start: DASHBOARD_URL undefined
clerk-bot:start: CLERK_BOT_STAFF_ROLES undefined
clerk-bot:start: CLERK_BOT_ACTIVE undefined
clerk-bot:start: CLERK_BOT_TOKEN undefined
clerk-bot:start: DISCORD_FORUM undefined
clerk-bot:start: DISCORD_SERVER_ID undefined
clerk-bot:start: CLERK_BOT_CLIENT_ID undefined
clerk-bot:start: DATABASE_URL undefined
clerk-bot:start: CLERK_BOT_TAG_NEW undefined
clerk-bot:start: CLERK_BOT_TAG_INVESTIGATING undefined
clerk-bot:start: CLERK_BOT_TAG_RESOLVED undefined
clerk-bot:start: CLERK_BOT_TAG_CLOSED undefined
clerk-bot:start: CLERK_BOT_TAG_ENGINEERING undefined
clerk-bot:start: SENTRY_DSN undefined
clerk-bot:start: ENVIRONMENT undefined
clerk-bot:start: PLAIN_API_KEY undefined
clerk-bot:start: DASHBOARD_URL undefined
clerk-bot:start: CLERK_BOT_STAFF_ROLES undefined
If I check the Settings -> Variables section for one of the PRs that are failing with this issue all 16 variables are present with values. The only things that I recall changing around that time were upgrading bun which runs the two Discord bots but I're tried downgrading that, and that I deleted the staging branch from the repo but kept the environment in Railway.
13 replies
PD🧩 Plasmo Developers
Created by royanger on 8/14/2024 in #👟framework
Default port and `--serve-port`
Hey framework team. Your docs indicate that the default port is 1012, but my dev server appears to be using 1816 or 6XXXX. The second port changes each time I run the dev server, so I see 63858, 63890, 64191. When I run my Plasmo dev server and then do sudo lsof -i -P | grep LISTEN | grep :$PORT those two ports, plus the expected 1815 for HMR, are the only new ports listed. Secondarily, when I add plasmo dev --serve-host=localhost --serve-port-1012 to my package.json scripts (or another port like 8080) appears to have no effect. I still see 1815, 1816 and 6XXXX. For example, I have "dev": "plasmo dev --serve-host=localhost --serve-port-1012", in my package.json and just ran pnpm dev and the ports are 1815m 1816 and 64191
3 replies
Created by royanger on 1/2/2024 in #✋|help
One service is not deploying with new GitHub merges
I have a Railway app with two services (both discord bots) from the same monorepo. Earlier today both services (bots) redeployed fine when there was a merges to the configured GitHub branch. Just now I merged other changes and one bot did not redeploy as expected while the second one redeployed as expected. The bot that not redeploy did have codes changes inside of its watched directory, but just failed to do anything. Both bots are from the same monorepo, and from the same GitHub repo. Is there anyway to force the service to redeploy using the new merged code?
11 replies