Created by iwHiteRabbiT on 10/20/2023 in #✋|help
Build starting to fail where previous deploy were OK
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43 replies
Created by iwHiteRabbiT on 10/6/2023 in #✋|help
Putting Django migrate & collectstatic on Build CMD
While trying to solve my odd mem issue when deploying my Django app, I experimented and put migration & collectstatic at the building stage. This seems to work correctly, solves the mem issue and solve the long restart issue too. Which is great but I'm not sure of what are the implications of my changes, actually why does the collectstatic works at this stage? Shouldn't this be working only after docker run and image publishing? If someone could explain ^^ Here's the full config: { "$schema": "https://railway.app/railway.schema.json", "build": { "builder": "NIXPACKS", "buildCommand": "python manage.py migrate && python manage.py collectstatic --noinput", "watchPatterns": [ "backend/**" ] }, "deploy": { "numReplicas": 1, "startCommand": "gunicorn backend.wsgi", "healthcheckPath": "/health", "sleepApplication": true, "restartPolicyType": "ON_FAILURE", "restartPolicyMaxRetries": 10 } }
14 replies
Created by iwHiteRabbiT on 10/3/2023 in #✋|help
Hello, I'm trying to use the Healthcheck func but it keeps failing with a 400. When I'm not doing the healthcheck and test the enpoint it returns 200.
45 replies
Created by iwHiteRabbiT on 7/26/2023 in #✋|help
Strange Memory issue with Django Backend
Hello, each time a new deployment is triggered, it uses something around +350MB and stays around this, then if I request a new Restart (sometime it takes 2 restarts), the used memory is around 190MB and also stable. Any idea why?
3 replies
Created by iwHiteRabbiT on 7/13/2023 in #✋|help
Why are my not running / deployed services are still consuming CPU & RAM?
15 replies