Nedo | Lukas
Nedo | Lukas
Created by Nedo | Lukas on 3/27/2024 in #help
(Maui) Native swipe back on iOS
I have now found a solution. The Maui NavigationBar is not required and can be completely hidden. Step 1: Write a CustomHandler. The file can be created for example in the Platforms/IOS folder with the following content: namespace YOURNAMESPACE.Platforms.iOS; public class ContentPageHandler : Microsoft.Maui.Handlers.PageHandler { protected override void ConnectHandler(Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContentView nativeView) { base.ConnectHandler(nativeView); ContentPage.Loaded += OnLoaded; } protected override void DisconnectHandler(Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ContentView nativeView) { ContentPage.Loaded -= OnLoaded; base.DisconnectHandler(nativeView); } ContentPage ContentPage => VirtualView as ContentPage; void OnLoaded(object sender, EventArgs e) => ConfigureInteractivePopGesture(); void ConfigureInteractivePopGesture() { if (this is IPlatformViewHandler handler && handler.ViewController?.ParentViewController?.NavigationController is UIKit.UINavigationController navControler) { navControler.NavigationBarHidden = true; navControler.InteractivePopGestureRecognizer.Delegate = new GestureRecognizerDelegate(); navControler.InteractivePopGestureRecognizer.Enabled = true; } } } public class GestureRecognizerDelegate : Foundation.NSObject, UIKit.IUIGestureRecognizerDelegate { } Step 2: Register the handler Simply register the new handler in MauiProgram.cs like here: [...] #if IOS .ConfigureMauiHandlers(handlers => { handlers.AddHandler(typeof(ContentPage), typeof(YOURNAMESPACE.Platforms.iOS.ContentPageHandler)); }) #endif [...]
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