Created by izzint on 10/10/2022 in #help
Public Static Variable Not Updating in other scripts
in script A, I define a variable public static string fooC;, I update it in a function,
// this script is called "A"
public override void OnSceneWasLoaded(int buildIndex, string sceneName)
// LoggerInstance.Msg(sceneName);

fooC = sceneName;

// for whatever reason this is what i want it to be.

// this calls the stored
discManage.GetActivityManager().UpdateActivity(fooB.RPCloader, (result) =>

if (result == Discord.Result.Ok)
LoggerInstance.Msg("BLRP Loaded!");

LoggerInstance.Error("Error Loading BLRP");

// this script is called "A"
public override void OnSceneWasLoaded(int buildIndex, string sceneName)
// LoggerInstance.Msg(sceneName);

fooC = sceneName;

// for whatever reason this is what i want it to be.

// this calls the stored
discManage.GetActivityManager().UpdateActivity(fooB.RPCloader, (result) =>

if (result == Discord.Result.Ok)
LoggerInstance.Msg("BLRP Loaded!");

LoggerInstance.Error("Error Loading BLRP");

and then I try to access it in another script,
public static class fooB
public static Discord.Activity RPCloader = new Discord.Activity
State = fooA.FooC,

Timestamps =
Start = 4

Assets =
LargeImage = "loadinglarge",
SmallImage = "smalloading"


public static class fooB
public static Discord.Activity RPCloader = new Discord.Activity
State = fooA.FooC,

Timestamps =
Start = 4

Assets =
LargeImage = "loadinglarge",
SmallImage = "smalloading"


but the variable is just at the default "RPCname", im sorry if this is really bad formating, im new to asking with help, and i can't find anything on google to help me. I don't know if this breaks OOP or not
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