KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by Alistair on 4/23/2024 in #front-end
How to keep tooltips inside the page?
So, I understand the basic principle of tooltips - you basically create the tooltip element next to the trigger element, and then you make it visible when the cursor passes over the trigger element. But if the trigger element is on the edge of the page, then the tooltip will be "outside". How can I avoid that? I'm so sorry for not using the proper technical terms, I'm only an occasional enjoyer 😅
29 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by Alistair on 4/12/2024 in #front-end
"Remove" inherited styles
Hi everyone! There's an internal tool we are using at work and I really, really can't get used to it because I find it too ugly and not very friendly. I'm writing a tampermonkey script to make the interface more pleasing to use. I haven't encountered any issues so far, but I'm kind of annoyed when I style my stuff and it inherits certain styles from the base site. I currently have one "entry point" dev element where I inject the rest of my own stuff, so I thought about using it to completely "remove" all inherited styles and use my own. Is that possible? Thanks in advance! PS: don't worry, the company doesn't care as long as I don't break anything for everyone else. Since I'm working in a team of a lot of people, I decided to preserve the old look and just "switch back" to it when I need someone to look at something.
6 replies