Created by Ben on 12/20/2024 in #⛅|pods
Throttled download speed from container registry while still being billed
Hello, Im trying to run a custom image from ghcr on a pod, which ive done many times. Its taking a long time, likely going to be 45 mins total just to download the image. I'm also noticing that im being billed while I wait for this very slow download speed. Is this intentional? If so it seems like a conflict of interests between runpod and the users.
15 replies
Created by Ben on 12/7/2024 in #⚡|serverless
Serverless request returns None from python client but web status says completed successfully
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19 replies
Created by Ben on 12/6/2024 in #⚡|serverless
Can't make serverless endpoints from GHCR container with new Runpod website update
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6 replies