Cron job "0 */30 15-16 * * ?" in Quartz .NET runs also at 16:30 p. m. Is this correct?
I would like to have a job that starts at 15:00, executes also 15:30 and 16:00. Is this possible without creating two jobs in Quartz .NET as ChatGPT says? Also our application executes at 15:00, 15:30, 16:00, 16:30.
I don't see how 16:30 fits in my cron job above, but I definetly don't want this.
Since other jobs are executing just fine and no other customers reported the problem, I don't neccessary blame the cron generator.
Chat GPT suggest having 0 */30 15 * * ? and 0 0 16 * * ? .
2 replies
✅ Class library is not found while building the ASP.NET Core 7 Web API with Github Actions
I wrote this dotnet.yml to build my application and push the docker image to docker hub, placed in the root of my project under the folder .github/workflows/.
In the solution (root/SolutionFolder/) I have class library RSO.Core Project and an ASP .NET Core (7.0) Web API project (both in standalone folders) which reference the RSO.Core project as "..\RSO.Core\RSO.Core.csproj" with following Dockerfile which is located in the the same folder as the Web API project and successfully builds locally.
How to exactly refence these projects to get a successful docker build and push to the dockerhub repository? Is anything needed to remove from some cache?
I was also considering to publish the RSO.Core project as a nuget package. In that case, what else could I implement to make my development faster as this would be tiresome.
Getting those steps done would be some appreciated.
1 replies
JWT implementation with .net 7.0 with Carter
I am trying to get some basic authorization to work also using the Carter nuget package. I simply cannot get the jwt authorization working. I'd also like to read data from the jwt, to use the data in my minimal API endpoints.
All the relevant files I posted on gist, any suggestions or improvements are welcome.
1 replies
❔ Problem with including C DLL in a C# console app project.
So I have this C DLL imported into my console app (.NET 5). I simply cannot get to call it correctly, since everytime I get, something along the lines, that something with the entrypoint is broken, like:
System.EntryPointNotFoundException: 'Unable to find an entry point named 'getCalculatedFitting' in DLL 'BPCalculationDLL.dll'.'
The code with which I am defining this is
[DllImport("BPCalculationDLL.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint = "getCalculatedFitting")]
public static extern int getCalculatedFitting(float[] fittinglData, uint length, char ch);
Honestly I tried a few things, but none of them seem to work in the current VS2022 editor. Does anyone have any idea how import this DLL and call it in another function?86 replies
Display the one layout based if the user is logged ( a dummy login system) in or the other if not. (
So I would like to display one layout with multiple pages (and remove Index.cshtml) and the other if the user is not logged in. I tried many ways, but I simply cannot figure out how to do that.Program.cs
The Login.cshtml on the Layout 2
The Viewstart.cshtml
The index.csthml on the Layout 1 (This should be removed)
Another cshtml in the Layout 1 (Requires Login)
The Login function in the in login controller is the following:
10 replies