Created by DKMK100 on 4/6/2023 in #help
❔ reduce CPU/GPU transfer ComputeSharp
I'm working on a project with ComputeSharp, and I'm struggling with the problem where I need to run a lot of compute shaders one after another. Is there a way to control this process from the GPU, so that my code isn't significantly slowed down? Or how should I go about this? I can't just move it all into one shader because some of them depend on the results of the previous one and there is obviously no way to synchronize.
30 replies
Created by DKMK100 on 3/19/2023 in #help
✅ ComputeSharp and activation functions
I'm working on making a neural net that I'm running on the GPU with the help of a library called ComputeSharp, and I want to use only pre-compiled shaders, but I also wanna have multiple activation function options so each layer can use a different activation function. The thing is, I have no idea how I can do this without manually writting a bunch of different versions of each shader, for use with each activation function. I can't pass the activation function as a parameter since that would mean having to compile the shaders at runtime, and I'm hoping to avoid that. Is there an alternative I can use, possibly something akin to c++ templates? Anyone here familiar with the library or know a solution I can use?
52 replies