Created by bati on 1/23/2025 in #help
Cannot access a disposed context instance.
I'm receiving the ObjectDisposedException about a DbContext being disposed while using IDbContextFactory<> to initialize my database context. After searching online for potential ways for me to approach resolving this, none of them seem to apply for my case. Code:
logger.LogInformation("{Availability} Guild {Name} has just been created.", $"{(gatewayEvent.Guild.IsT0 ? "A" : "Una")}vailable", gatewayEvent.Guild.IsT0 ? gatewayEvent.Guild.AsT0.Name : gatewayEvent.Guild.AsT1.ID.ToString());

if (gatewayEvent.Guild.IsT1) return Result.FromSuccess();

var guild = gatewayEvent.Guild.AsT0;
var guildModel = new GuildModel(guild, configuration["PREFIX"]!);

await using (var databaseContext = await database.CreateDbContextAsync(ct))
var dbGuild = await databaseContext.Guilds.SingleByIdAsync(guild.ID, ct);

if (dbGuild is null) // Only add actual new guilds to the database as this fires on ALL guilds during startup
await databaseContext.SaveChangesAsync(ct);
} else guildModel = dbGuild;

using (var entry = memoryCache.CreateEntry(CacheKey.StringKey($"Guild:{guild.ID}")))
entry.Value = guildModel;

return Result.FromSuccess();
logger.LogInformation("{Availability} Guild {Name} has just been created.", $"{(gatewayEvent.Guild.IsT0 ? "A" : "Una")}vailable", gatewayEvent.Guild.IsT0 ? gatewayEvent.Guild.AsT0.Name : gatewayEvent.Guild.AsT1.ID.ToString());

if (gatewayEvent.Guild.IsT1) return Result.FromSuccess();

var guild = gatewayEvent.Guild.AsT0;
var guildModel = new GuildModel(guild, configuration["PREFIX"]!);

await using (var databaseContext = await database.CreateDbContextAsync(ct))
var dbGuild = await databaseContext.Guilds.SingleByIdAsync(guild.ID, ct);

if (dbGuild is null) // Only add actual new guilds to the database as this fires on ALL guilds during startup
await databaseContext.SaveChangesAsync(ct);
} else guildModel = dbGuild;

using (var entry = memoryCache.CreateEntry(CacheKey.StringKey($"Guild:{guild.ID}")))
entry.Value = guildModel;

return Result.FromSuccess();
-# Exception Trace is attached as .txt file.
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