Created by u3ka. on 9/16/2024 in #community-help
Ping Issues
Hello! I’ve been having issues with my ping on valorant servers. This started about 1-2 weeks ago. At first randomly and now it’s just a constant thing, I am at 50-100 ping. I normally play Cali servers and get 10 ping but randomly all my servers would be red w 100+. Now all my servers are 50+ including Cali and the lowest ping I get is 40 on Texas. Typically I now get 40-50 on Texas and 70+ on everything else. I’ve tried to get help from riot support and researched myself and found nothing. Apparently a LOT of valorant players have experienced this in the past few months. My connection on every game is fine. I’ve reset my Xbox, router, modem, and uninstalled/installed the game again. As well as I play on Ethernet AND disconnected multiple things from my wifi. Still no luck. I believe this is an issue on Riots end. Any help any advice?
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