Created by rtyer on 8/8/2024 in #help
Looking for tutorials for C# / asp.net that show how to create a CRUD app with RIDER IDE
Do you have a link to any good ones you would recommend ?
13 replies
Created by rtyer on 8/8/2024 in #help
Looking for tutorials for C# / asp.net that show how to create a CRUD app with RIDER IDE
Why's that?.. I love how I'm getting opinions on stuff I'm not asking for.. The question is are there any good crud tutorials for asp.net which use rider as an IDE
13 replies
Created by rtyer on 8/8/2024 in #help
Looking for tutorials for C# / asp.net that show how to create a CRUD app with RIDER IDE
The code doesn't change between IDEs but the structure and tools inside each ide do differ it's simpler to follow a tutorial when your using the same tools
13 replies