UBUniversal Blue
•Created by Kesha on 2/3/2024 in #🛟bazzite-help
nvidia blobs missing
might be eiaser to just do the flatpak and use the terminal app for the CEF tool i use
24 replies
UBUniversal Blue
•Created by Kesha on 2/3/2024 in #🛟bazzite-help
nvidia blobs missing
FFXIV has two launchers the flapak one which you can select in the portal and one which has custom patches which allow wine and dxvk changes thats all
24 replies
UBUniversal Blue
•Created by Kesha on 2/3/2024 in #🛟bazzite-help
nvidia blobs missing
one question i do wanna ask my main game is on here as a flatpak am i still able to instrall a different launcher for it if that launcher is copr instead of flatrpak
24 replies
UBUniversal Blue
•Created by Kesha on 2/3/2024 in #🛟bazzite-help
nvidia blobs missing
yeh its all new to me coming from arch or *buntu based
24 replies
UBUniversal Blue
•Created by Kesha on 2/3/2024 in #🛟bazzite-help
nvidia blobs missing
nvidia-smi is showing 545 driver is loaded
24 replies
UBUniversal Blue
•Created by Kesha on 2/3/2024 in #🛟bazzite-help
nvidia blobs missing
nah its all good
24 replies
UBUniversal Blue
•Created by Kesha on 2/3/2024 in #🛟bazzite-help
nvidia blobs missing
must have missed clicked
24 replies
UBUniversal Blue
•Created by Kesha on 2/3/2024 in #🛟bazzite-help
nvidia blobs missing
im 99% sure i didnt but i may have not paid attention when i saw anaconda XD
24 replies
UBUniversal Blue
•Created by Kesha on 2/3/2024 in #🛟bazzite-help
nvidia blobs missing
which is incorrect as i did install the nvidia image
24 replies
UBUniversal Blue
•Created by Kesha on 2/3/2024 in #🛟bazzite-help
nvidia blobs missing
running configure nivida
24 replies
UBUniversal Blue
•Created by Kesha on 2/3/2024 in #🛟bazzite-help
nvidia blobs missing
i think initramfs is wrong given it states amdgpu.conf
24 replies
UBUniversal Blue
•Created by Kesha on 2/3/2024 in #🛟bazzite-help
nvidia blobs missing
24 replies