Created by jeff on 1/9/2024 in #⛅|pods
Issues with connecting/initializing custom docker image
I've created a custom docker image for quick ocr training; The problem is, everything downloads properly, but then I am unable to connect. When trying to connect, I get Permission denied (publickey); but the permissions are not an issue for any of my other pods. I think it is because the pod fails to initialize correctly, as it constantly spams messages of Start container. Can anyone help me pin down this issue? It works on my local machine when I pull it from the web. My local docker command is as follows: docker run -it --runtime nvidia --shm-size 2g --gpus all -v paddleocr-volume:/PaddleOCR paddleocr-image bash It doesn' t look like I have any direct control over the Docker command from RunPod (from what I can tell), so I'm a little lost.
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