Created by HideousKojima on 8/29/2023 in #help
❔ SOAP to HTTP question
So I'm migrating an old library that uses SoapClientHttpProtocol and I'm planning on just doing it all over HTTP because SOAP sucks and because there's no .NET 6 support for SoapClientHttpProtocol . Anyways, the only thing I was wondering about was for base64Binary byte arrays in SOAP, do I just need to do Convert.ToBase64String(someByteArray)? Or does SoapClientHttpProtocol do something special or different in the encoding process?
14 replies
Created by HideousKojima on 8/9/2023 in #help
❔ Proper way to do something in C# (migrating an old Visual Basic library)
So I'm rewriting an ancient library and used an automatic transpiler to convert it all from VB.NET to C#. Still plenty of clean-up I've needed to do after, and there was one line in particular that I can't figure out how to properly convert (and remove all dependencies on the Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace):
i = i + Strings.Len(tt) + Strings.Len(tt.Description);
i = i + Strings.Len(tt) + Strings.Len(tt.Description);
Looks pretty straightfoward at first glance, with the big gotcha being that tt isn't a string, it's a struct. The analyzers in Rider say that Strings.Len will automatically box tt to an object to get the length, but I'm not clear on exactly how to do that the same way as the VB Strings.Len() method
48 replies
Created by HideousKojima on 1/9/2023 in #help
❔ Are there any guides on using Source Link with VS Code?
I am trying to consume several NuGet packages and would like to be able to step into the code to debug them. According to various GitHub issues and readmes, Source Link is supported by the C# extension for VS Code(i.e.: https://github.com/dotnet/designs/blob/main/accepted/2020/diagnostics/source-link.md), but I cannot find any documentation on how to set it up anywhere.
2 replies