Unidentifiable Crash with ASP.NET
Hello Folks,
I am using a ASP.NET Razor Pages and MS SQL Server to create a Basic CRUD website. Within this website there is a Page that allows the user to directly import data from a Excel File (with EPPlus) to the Database.
However, Following a Reinstall of MS SQL Server, the Import Data page is crashing the website with No specific Errors or Exceptions.
The Log always shows Exit Code -1 (0xffffffff) and even with Exception logging in multiple places, it is coming up Empty. I have also tried with Previous versions I have saved but with the same issue.
The Crash always occurs when you Click the Browse button and then Close the file explorer either by Selecting a File or just Canceling the operation.
I have Attached a 7Zip file of the Solution, The Affected Page is in the D:\ASP\SQLYard\SQLYard\Pages\Categories Folder under the name "BulkImport".
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