Created by Somgör from Human Resources on 2/19/2023 in #help
✅ RestSharp not using given Proxy
WebClient should be avoided, use HttpClient in its stead
28 replies
Created by Somgör from Human Resources on 2/19/2023 in #help
✅ RestSharp not using given Proxy
Actually no. The protocol is wrong, it should be in plural
28 replies
Created by Somgör from Human Resources on 2/19/2023 in #help
✅ RestSharp not using given Proxy
28 replies
Created by Instinct on 12/28/2022 in #help
Get implementation out of list of interfaces without explicit casting
Gotcha, thanks for the explanation!
9 replies
Created by anamari on 12/28/2022 in #help
❔ How can I save a byte in a ushort?
I've messed up, sorry catsweat
44 replies
Created by anamari on 12/28/2022 in #help
❔ How can I save a byte in a ushort?
ushort is an unsigned byte, 8bits can't be saved into 7bits (the "missing" bit determines if the number is positive or negative). The reverse is true tho
44 replies
Created by TheBoxyBear on 8/31/2022 in #help
Accidentally merged untested code in the stable branch, can't find the merge to revert [Answered]
Git blame could be a solid choice or a possibility for this case? @Mayor McCheese And by "solid choice" I mean that it'll do the job just fine
43 replies