Kalle Kuhlmann
Kalle Kuhlmann
Created by Kalle Kuhlmann on 3/31/2024 in #💻┃support
testing best practices
Hey, thanks for the answer. Ok I'll do it like that. It just makes testing some stuff hard as I need to reset the user / org data so that it handles like a new user/org. But all doable 😎 Thanks again
15 replies
Created by Kalle Kuhlmann on 3/31/2024 in #💻┃support
testing best practices
Thank you 🙂
15 replies
Created by Kalle Kuhlmann on 3/31/2024 in #💻┃support
testing best practices
----- Maybe it's easier to understand what I mean with a simple example: Let's say you have a simple backend which uses tokens from Kinde to auth/auth incoming requests from users and block/process them depending on the users permissions and maybe even feature flags as well as the active organization. How would you recommend to do that in a CI/CD pipeline?
15 replies
Created by Kalle Kuhlmann on 3/31/2024 in #💻┃support
testing best practices
So that is for 2) I think. Understood. Just use a token like on dev/product but in the CI. But how do I get tokens for testing my backend with user requests? How do I log in as a user within my CICD to get a new token for that user? If I'd use only the oauth2 features of Kinde I'd try to use a mock server. But I think Kinde would really shine if I also use more of the user management+ feature flags etc.. But I also need a way to test that 😅
15 replies
Created by Kalle Kuhlmann on 3/31/2024 in #💻┃support
testing best practices
What I want to do is a gitlab cicd pipeline. It should: 1) test if my service handles protected routes correctly depending on the roles/permissions within a token 2) I plan to use the user/organization endpoints from my backend as well. Therefore I need to check if this work (=if my backend calls the Kinde API correctly and if the changes within Kinde result from that as expected) 3) I want to use the feature flags from Kinde. Therefore I need to check if certain functionality is "blocked" for users without certain feature flags. So I don't want to test the auth flow, but I somehow need to be able to test with tokens as if they would be generated from Kinde and I need to test against the Kinde API to.make sure the implementation is correct on my side. 🙂
15 replies
Created by Kalle Kuhlmann on 3/31/2024 in #💻┃support
testing best practices
Any input on this? I'd love to start developing 😅
15 replies
Created by Kalle Kuhlmann on 3/31/2024 in #💻┃support
testing best practices
Maybe to add up to this: There are two things to test imo 1) test auth functions within services I deploy. Therefore I need a way to generate a JWT token with different parameters. 2) Test other functionalities e.g. if feature flags are integrated correctly, if the integration with the kinde API work as expected (e.g. to get user info) Do you have any recommendation on that?
15 replies
Created by Kalle Kuhlmann on 3/31/2024 in #💻┃support
testing best practices
Is the current best solution using the dev environment from kinde? Because that would lead to quite some MAUs because of automated tests
15 replies
Created by Kalle Kuhlmann on 3/31/2024 in #💻┃support
testing best practices
How do I use kinde within my CI CD tests in the best way? (for integration tests)
15 replies