Web API - Get Payload in body as well as the uploaded File using Ardalis Endpoints
github issue: https://github.com/ardalis/ApiEndpoints/issues/204
6 replies
Absolute Beginner - Accessing Variables From Other Classes
Altho a bit late, I suggest watching tarodev's videos. Excellent resource and he also has a discord.
94 replies
✅ @onchange event not triggering
"Undefined" this is wrong!
use string.Empty. And why are you using linq? To just learn then its fine but if not then use the Find method which will directly return based on the Person Id.
is it enforcing to send you string? @person.Id.ToString() if not just send int so it will be filtered easily
13 replies
✅ I can't use "Console" class
try using this and see if it fixes: https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/kb/cc-cleaner-tool-installation-problems.html till then
117 replies
Converting from a string to a generic method invocation
switch statement needs compiled value and not a generated one. you can use and enum. I have used it before and it works well.
sharing one sample enum which maps to strings.
Obtained from an article by Steve (you might know him from Ardalis Endpoints)
12 replies