CDCloudflare Developers
Created by cyborgassassin on 10/1/2023 in #workers-help
Is there a way to report an error so metrics and logs show it as "not OK"
Today we are catching all errors and logging them ( with logpush, etc ) return new Response("Server Error", {status: 500}) Even though this is the response we throw, all metrics and Logs show as "OK". This can cause people unfamilar with workers to wrongly think their deployment was "succesful" Is there not a way to Cleanly catch the error, and still report back the "Script threw exception" context to metrics/logs
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CDCloudflare Developers
Created by cyborgassassin on 7/6/2023 in #workers-help
worker using tunnels
Can workers call tunnels directly yet? Are there plans for this. Specifically without needing to register a DNS. In an ideal world we want to create a tunnel and store that in a KV. And then add our own routing logic in workers. Currently we would need to register DNS names for all this.
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