Created by Cai on 12/20/2024 in #⛅|pods
"Something went wrong!" when trying to sync with Google Cloud Storage
It turned out to be a very stupid issue with my pod ran out of RAM and container was OOM killed, but in UI status was "running", so I've realized what's happening only when looked into logs. Because of "running" state that's was able to click on "cloud sync" button, submit form, etc., but not to actually do sync.
8 replies
Created by Cai on 12/20/2024 in #⛅|pods
"Something went wrong!" when trying to sync with Google Cloud Storage
That's was the first thing I tried; getting that error anyway.
8 replies
Created by Cai on 12/20/2024 in #⛅|pods
"Something went wrong!" when trying to sync with Google Cloud Storage
Already read this. I think maybe problem is with JSON key; didn't understand clearly which format it should follow (this is my first time integrating google cloud with... anything). Should it be a full JSON value like {"type": ..., "project_id": ..., "private_key": ..., ...} or only "private_key" field's value? If the latter, should I convert newlines to something different?
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