✅ How do I abort a long running API request manually?
@TeBeCo @Sehra Thanks for the input guys.
I'm simply wanting a cancel button on the front end to fire some sort of cancellation request on the backend to abort a long running task. It only currently fires when I close the browser tab or navigate using the back button.
I assumed I'd have to wire up a separate API endpoint to fire internal cancellation tokens within it to get what I was looking for.
I think it might as as simple as what you say.
I was under the assumption that I'd need to call the specific API endpoint I'd initially sent the request to for it to pipe through the above mentioned 'CancellationToken' parameter on the initial endpoint.
Look like this 'RequestAborted()' fires for the entire context which is probably what I need.
I'll try just calling a fetch in the way you suggest. I think I might have overcomplicated it.
39 replies
Using ref for large data types.
Hi thanks for the reply. What about if I was to pass a list containing incoming data as I am here in my GET endpoint?
In the following function I've got
Would it be correct to put ref in front of when calling the function or will that do a copy?
10 replies