Exo Luna
Exo Luna
Created by Exo Luna on 2/18/2023 in #community-help
Fix matchmaking
There is a huge problem in lower ranks rn, which makes this game unplayable from my point of view. Ranks like bronze, silver, and partially gold are flooded with smurfs and smurfed players. Its a usual situation, when either you are being queued against "main-acc-ascendant" in silver lobbies, or you are being queued WITH a player, who has got, for example gold 3, but doesn't even know the basic mechanics of how do Cypher's traps work. I've already reported a couple of accounts who literally mentioned in the in-game chat that they've got another acc with a better rank, and they made a new one to "Give it to their friend so that they could play together" and MENTIONED the acc name and tag in chat. But nothing ever happened. Rn I am stuck at silver and can't get any higher because of this issue. Don't get me wrong, I don't expect anyone to be "pro-level" in-game. But when I see gold 3 player being held by a cypher trap for at least 4 seconds and dying to the spike explosion... Well, all that's left is to wait till the game is being fixed. My discord tag is Exo Ikuro#0002 my in-game tag is Exo Ikuro#META you can see all the matches in my career. I've got no "twin" accounts and this is my real rank.
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