PGCPokémon GO Coordinates
Created by PreddY on 12/21/2023 in #❓│support-pogo
PGSharp keeps crashing on phone
@Nemesis thanks 😉
9 replies
PGCPokémon GO Coordinates
Created by PreddY on 12/21/2023 in #❓│support-pogo
PGSharp keeps crashing on phone
can someone else confirm that there is something going on there?
9 replies
PGCPokémon GO Coordinates
Created by PreddY on 12/21/2023 in #❓│support-pogo
PGSharp keeps crashing on phone
so it crashes on this location and east of it, up until the river, on mumu and phone
9 replies
PGCPokémon GO Coordinates
Created by PreddY on 12/21/2023 in #❓│support-pogo
PGSharp keeps crashing on phone
9 replies
PGCPokémon GO Coordinates
Created by PreddY on 12/21/2023 in #❓│support-pogo
PGSharp keeps crashing on phone
It worked flawlessly until the last update...
9 replies
PGCPokémon GO Coordinates
Created by PreddY on 12/21/2023 in #❓│support-pogo
PGSharp keeps crashing on phone
Xiaomi Note 7
9 replies