Created by emileSWAAA on 12/18/2023 in #help
Multi-tenant admin portal
For a multi-tenant saas application. I have a db-per-tenant setup with a single masterdb to store configurations and map to each db (storing connstring in KeyVault). Now I need to create an admin portal for my tenants + I need to have some UI to configure tenants + check their data occasionally. I'm a bit weary to create a single admin portal for both tenants and my customer support. Making two different portals is a bit overkill. Any advice? Am I overthinking if I just do authN + authZ correctly? Ref: - Each tenant can login into admin portal to check their data/workflows - Tenants can update configuration values (stored in master database) - Customer support can check configurations of each tenant - Customer support can check data/workflows of tenants for debugging/support
1 replies
Created by emileSWAAA on 9/14/2023 in #help
❔ Event driven architecture
I have a question about some greenfield architecture and wondering how to best achieve this. Using .NET 7 and wanting to host on Azure with cloud-native services if possible. We (2 people) are creating a chatbot that summarizes conversations from WhatsApp using OpenAI. We have the following problem regarding the archicture design: Twilio sends a post request whenever someone sends a whatsapp message to a specific receiver to our API endpoint. The message gets put on a message queue (service bus) and this triggers an Azure function to process a response to the user or end the conversation We see that people send whatsapp messages right after each other, sometimes with delays of up to 2 minutes, these messages trigger functions and are being processed as a conversation on its own. We need to aggregate these messages into one single message to draft a response and if the conversation is ended a summarization. I am trying to think of ways we can create this without the need of distributed locks or timers. Anyone have some ideas how to best design this?
13 replies