EVOS (Sheirand)
Could you please implement template credentials functionality for python SDK
I've faced the next issue. I want to create templates and run the pod from that template using code.
It's super useful for us and might be useful for other developers to:
- add some method to create credentials runpod.create_container_registry(name, username, password) that return container_registry_auth_id
- add method to provide container_registry_auth_id to runpod.create_template()
Let me know if it's planned, please. Or maybe I should post it somewhere else? Thanks
3 replies
Automate pod&template creation
Hi, runpod.io team! I wan't to create a script that will pull my image from AWS Container Registry Service and from that template create a runpod instance.
The problem is: I'm using
aws ecr get-login-password --region eu-central-1
command to get my temporary password and not sure if my template will be available in the future. Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks1 replies
Custom template creation with AWS ECS
Hi! Is it somehow possible to create a custom template using amazon elastic container registry*? I need to somehow authenticate on aws but in credentials form I have only username and password options (I believe for docker login). Is it possible throught cli maybe?
Thanks, waiting for an answer
12 replies