Need help with setting up Tensorboard for RVC!
It's a AI model training service/software (don't know the right term). Basically install some stuff from github + some needed packages, and then you throw in .wav files of what you want to clone.
114 replies
Need help with setting up Tensorboard for RVC!
I also tried Applio (Github) and whenever I try to start training it tells me something about wavs not found or valid, even though they were placed in the right place where I told it). I do the training on RunPod (Faster than Colab, but Tensorboard would be nice if possible)
114 replies
Need help with setting up Tensorboard for RVC!
I literally spent hours trying to get it to work just to see if it can because of RVC training. My only option I see to use tensorboard is to go to Paperspace and follow this guide (Which if you scroll down, you'll see the tensorboard section) I did try this on RunPod, it didn't work.
114 replies
Need help with setting up Tensorboard for RVC!
I can try that. I did go into the folder where the log folder is (so in this case it would be Mangio-RVC-Fork folder) and then I did tensorboard --logdir logs --bind_all (gave me the same issue. I will do a quick test to see if it works (Could be something I am doing wrong, so no promises it'll work)
114 replies