Confused Horse
Confused Horse
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by Confused Horse on 11/18/2023 in #front-end
cqw not a thing yet?
I was fiddling around with a mobile application lately and stumbled upon the unit "cqw" which I found to be a more elegant approach to dynamic font sizing than em/rem in regards to supporting unknown resolutions. However in my editor I get an error "Expression expected" when using it, and caniuse tells me it's not supported by Firefox yet. Is it simply not a thing yet or does it come with unexpected drawbacks I don't see?
6 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by Confused Horse on 11/14/2023 in #front-end
Absolute positioned element exceeding (and affecting) scrollable container.
Hello everyone! I recently ran into this tricky situation in which I have an absolute positioned element which is inside of a relative positioned element, which again ist positioned in some other container which allows for vertical scrolling. (there's more to it, but this is a minimal reproducible example). However, the absolute positioned element supposed to be way bigger than the containing element, which cases the container in which they're both placed to be affected. I tried to reproduce the example in a codepen: Because this is just a reduced example, the following properties must not be changed: - the overflow behavior of the containing element - position relative on the second element I hope someone has an idea or some helpful impulse. Thank you in advance! Info: the issue is easier to witness when moving the mouse over the example, so the scrollbars get refreshed.
11 replies