✅ .Where in Include stetment not returning correctly
I dont understand why does this pull from database like this, shouldnt it be 5 Comments on first level (with NestedLevel == 0) and then inside of them list with comments with (NestedLevel == 1) like a tree , for some reason this pulls 8 comments in the root level list, where not all comments are NestedLevel = 0, I am so confused, I am reading documentation and it shouldnt behave like this.
9 replies
✅ Remove many to many with select
So here is the code snippet,
If I add something to any of the Lists LikedBy, DislikedBy and SeenBy they are added, but if I remove, they are not removed
I read the docs and I know that LikedBy, DislikedBy and SeenBy are not tracked, but I honestly cant find any smart way of doing this except pulling all of the LikedBy, DislikedBy and SeenBy but that is memory inefficient and I have multiple DB calls, so is there something like this only for lists
5 replies
ClaimsPrincipal, httpContext.User is not filled when I send the token, but endpoint is AllowAnonymos
So I am using minimal Apis and my endpoint looks like this
When I want to use this function on httpContext.User I always get null, even if I sent the token trough the header
I have CurrentUserService which I use and it looks like this
6 replies