Identity Server 4 403 Error
Trying to follow this course and sometimes Identity server works sometimes it does not.
The above I was told to configure to allow Http to work.
As you can see above I am using http://localhost:5000 but a 403 appears on launchBrowser.
Really nothing has been changed from default Identity Server 4.
Only logs:
3 replies
Anyone use Neovim and has it working for dotnet?
I cannot get some things working such as razor .cshtml working and all solutions are quite old.
Is it possible to easily get this working or is it worth for dotnet using an ide like jetbrains... (macos)
12 replies
Unsure of why i get cert errors, can anyone run this project with docker?
having issues forking / cloning this project and running it with the docker
Most images are failing due to HTTPS certs failing
Not sure if i have done this wrong?
6 replies