BROBattleBit Remastered Official
Created by u177 on 12/16/2024 in #help-support
Hello. I met a cheater in the game again today. From the video recordings it is obvious that the player has an aim hack. Also, periodically the player shoots through walls at players and drives the scope at enemy players through obstacles. Please check and take action against this player. Server: 177-8Q-00 Video-1 https://youtu.be/8F7sZKsK_74 Video-2 https://youtu.be/9dPlzMVY66I Steam-profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198267511782/
3 replies
BROBattleBit Remastered Official
Created by u177 on 12/6/2024 in #help-support
Hello. Today I met another cheater in the game. The player just runs around the map and kills enemies through trees and seems to have aim-software. I am attaching a link to my video. https://youtu.be/w4uVLNzYDcw Server name: 194-JJ-00 Time: 06.12.2024 ~21:55 Link to steam account: https://steamcommunity.com/id/48941564784956/
4 replies
BROBattleBit Remastered Official
Created by u177 on 7/8/2024 in #help-support
Where can I leave a complaint about cheating?
Today I ran into a cheater on the official 177-8V-01 server. I am attaching a video that shows that the player is using a software that allows him to see through walls and automatically aim at targets without recoil. www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFKFLWyY1v4
4 replies