Drama Llama
Drama Llama
Created by Drama Llama on 1/11/2024 in #help
Splitting a large class and problems with a field needed in multiple classes as a result
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Created by Drama Llama on 10/27/2023 in #help
❔ How to optionally include certain classes/libraries in a compile
So what I want to do is write an application that uses one of two external libraries, sometimes using the first and sometimes using the second. Both of these libraries are quite big, so ideally I'd only include the one that is needed, or build two versions of the app, one with the first library and one with the second. Currently my approach is to have all the relevant code using said library each in it's own class, then put those classes into their own .dll file and access it via reflection during runtime. That way, I can "ship" this with only the singular .dll file that is needed. Are there better ways? Reflection seems a bit like a pain when it comes to readability and reliability. So far I've thought about preprocessing directives (can I just exclude the entire class using one of the libraries and hopefully the library too?) and dependency injection (this came up during my search but I have never worked with it so I don't know if this will be helpful).
40 replies
Created by Drama Llama on 10/24/2023 in #help
✅ Design Pattern Advice
Hi everyone! I'd like to write a small calendar app, and the key feature I'd like it to have is being able to work with a number of different APIs, like google calendars or outlook. What would be the best design pattern to look into for something like this? I've been reading into adapter and factory.
15 replies
Created by Drama Llama on 8/23/2023 in #help
❔ Looking for a personal tutor for microsoft graph SDK
I feel like I need an actual tutor to make some headway with the Microsoft graph SDK (specifically using C#). Are there any resources here concerning that? Basically looking for someone to take me by the hand and guide me through some processes step by step. (Please don't point out the tutorials are great, I know they do a pretty good job. I like them.)
7 replies