Created by Elgate on 6/30/2023 in #help
❔ WCF service: Method changed after update
I had an issue with updating my WCF service apparently due to some error that still exist in VS2022. I managed to update it thanks to the advice on the link, but it changed all my methods. Now instead of a method having 4 arguments, the method has 1 argument of type "methodRequest" which itself has the 4 values of the argument. How can I get back my old method types? New method https://i.stack.imgur.com/IKxU1.png Old method https://i.stack.imgur.com/aUMPa.png Link to previous error: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26344215/error-creating-wcf-webservice
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Created by Elgate on 5/24/2023 in #help
❔ Android Debugging getting slower and slower
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