Created by Krai on 12/20/2023 in #help
OIDC: family_name or surname claim types
"Would using the 'surname' field in an OpenID Connect implementation automatically retrieve the 'family_name' from providers like Google if I use 'surname' in C#?"
1 replies
Created by Krai on 6/17/2023 in #help
❔ Aspnetcore Identity Override
4 replies
Created by Krai on 12/30/2022 in #help
❔ Page debugging twice in razor pages PageRouteModelConvention
public class CultureTemplatePageRouteModelConvention : IPageRouteModelConvention { public void Apply(PageRouteModel model) { var selectorCount = model.Selectors.Count; for (var i = 0; i < selectorCount; i++) { var selector = model.Selectors[i]; selector.AttributeRouteModel = new AttributeRouteModel { Order = -1, Template = AttributeRouteModel.CombineTemplates("{culture?}", selector.AttributeRouteModel.Template), SuppressLinkGeneration = true }; } } }
2 replies
Created by Krai on 12/24/2022 in #help
❔ Code review
17 replies
Created by Krai on 11/28/2022 in #help
❔ Singleton Pattern
Hi in ioc container we have .AddSingleton() method for singleton lifetimes. My question is when we need create a singleton class? Can't I just save it with dependency injection?
6 replies