IConfiguration using the json string/Data Model directly, instead of saving to a temporary file?
Currently my code now works like this, where I have a JSON file going being added to the IConfiguration like this and then send that configuration through my service to be used.
public static string FilePath = Path.Join(Environment.CurrentDirectory);
IConfiguration configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
BaseCoreService BCS = new BCS( configuration, filepath)
public BaseCoreService(IConfiguration configuration, string filepath)
CustomFunction(Configuration, filepath)
// Custom Code here
I am migrating to use a JSON string. To still be able to reuse my code somewhat, I cd save that JSON string to a Temporary File.
public BaseCoreService(string JSONString, string filepath) : base(filepath)
string JsonFolderPath = Path.Join(filepath, "JSON");
string JsonFilePath = Path.Combine(JsonFolderPath, "Settings.json");
WriteAllTextToFile(JsonFilePath, JSONString);
IConfiguration Testconfiguration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
CustomFunction(Configuration, filepath)
// Custom Code here
However I actually do not want that. I want to rely on as less files as possible. i can delete the file just afterwards. But If I can skip the file creation of the json string that is all the better.30 replies