Created by Julian on 6/19/2023 in #help
❔ Web Question
Hi guys, I need a little advice on which software technique to choose.... The situation is that I have a frontend that needs to fetch data from an ASP.NET backend. This data it should fetch is on a game server, I can write extensions to connect to it, but it is not uncommon that e.g. a user has multiple servers, so when he clicks on something in the frontend it should be applied to all his servers. But data should also be requested which I then simply receive back which then goes back into the frontend via the rest endpoint. Now I'm wondering if SignalR is the right decision, because I come to the point that if I get the data via SignalR I don't know how to return it via the rest endpoint. And if I use GRPC I don't know how to get only the channels from a specific client to ask for the exact data return requests. Maybe someone has an idea and there are some techniques I haven't considered yet.
75 replies
Created by Julian on 5/25/2023 in #help
❔ gRCP on Mac M1 Ventura
I wanted to use gRCP in an ASP project on my Mac, but there is an error message which cannot be solved because the grcp.tools are not available for my CPU type.
Google.Protobuf.Tools.targets(292, 5): [MSB6003] The specified task executable "/Users/julian/.nuget/packages/grpc.tools/2.53.0/tools/macosx_x64/protoc" could not be run. System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (86): An error occurred trying to start process '/Users/julian/.nuget/packages/grpc.tools/2.53.0/tools/macosx_x64/protoc' with working directory 'GrpcService1'. Bad CPU type in executable
at System.Diagnostics.Process.ForkAndExecProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo, String resolvedFilename, String[] argv, String[] envp, String cwd, Boolean setCredentials, UInt32 userId, UInt32 groupId, UInt32[] groups, Int32& stdinFd, Int32& stdoutFd, Int32& stderrFd, Boolean usesTerminal, Boolean throwOnNoExec)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartCore(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
at Microsoft.Build.Utilities.ToolTask.ExecuteTool(String pathToTool, String responseFileCommands, String commandLineCommands)
at Microsoft.Build.Utilities.ToolTask.Execute()
Google.Protobuf.Tools.targets(292, 5): [MSB6003] The specified task executable "/Users/julian/.nuget/packages/grpc.tools/2.53.0/tools/macosx_x64/protoc" could not be run. System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (86): An error occurred trying to start process '/Users/julian/.nuget/packages/grpc.tools/2.53.0/tools/macosx_x64/protoc' with working directory 'GrpcService1'. Bad CPU type in executable
at System.Diagnostics.Process.ForkAndExecProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo, String resolvedFilename, String[] argv, String[] envp, String cwd, Boolean setCredentials, UInt32 userId, UInt32 groupId, UInt32[] groups, Int32& stdinFd, Int32& stdoutFd, Int32& stderrFd, Boolean usesTerminal, Boolean throwOnNoExec)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartCore(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
at Microsoft.Build.Utilities.ToolTask.ExecuteTool(String pathToTool, String responseFileCommands, String commandLineCommands)
at Microsoft.Build.Utilities.ToolTask.Execute()
I have already installed protoc via brew, but currently it uses a version that does not seem to be available for the M1....
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