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TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by CaptainPhoton on 5/9/2023 in #questions
Setup pub/sub connection in Next.js
I have a t3-based next.js app, and a separate server for running various jobs. I can send jobs to this server with BullMQ and Redis, but how do I send data back to the next.js app? I need to set up some sort of listener or webhook. How are these things done in Next.js? I must admit, the "serverless" nature of next.js is a bit of a question mark here and I am wondering if I should drop it completely.
4 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by CaptainPhoton on 5/7/2023 in #questions
Prisma types from t3 turborepo db package
I am working on a project using the t3-turbo monorepo template. When using the packages/db package in other packages, the types do not autocomplete or auto-import. It seems as if the @project/db dependency does not export anything other than a prisma object of type any. When manually writing the types into the import, it works and Typescript realizes that the package does in fact export these types. How can I improve DX around this and get the types to work automatically?
2 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by CaptainPhoton on 4/8/2023 in #questions
Prisma in next.js monorepo such as t3-turbo does not work
When I try to convert my create-t3-app to a t3 turbo monorepo ( I am hit with this issue from Prisma: Using the @prisma/nextjs-monorepo-workaround-plugin plugin results in a non-working app, so it is unusable. Has anyone gotten this to work?
12 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by CaptainPhoton on 4/4/2023 in #questions
No tRPC requests after integrating Clerk
I integrated Clerk according to the docs and removed next-auth stuff. But now no trpc requests are being made anymore?? If I log in the [trpc].ts request handler I don't see anything in the console. Does clerk block this somehow? Super confused.
6 replies