Created by stevon8ter on 5/30/2024 in #help
EF Entity 'required' property
Update 2: It seems that removing the 'required' modifier from the property also doesn't affect the Nullable in migrations, this only seems to be 'true' when defining 'string?' So the required modifier in our case only makes it so that 1. Compiler warning isnt there 2. We can't create our own instance of this object without providing a value for the required properties
9 replies
Created by stevon8ter on 5/30/2024 in #help
EF Entity 'required' property
Update: I tested this, and the migration still sets nullable: false for the properties that don't include .IsRequired()
9 replies
Created by stevon8ter on 5/30/2024 in #help
EF Entity 'required' property
Fair point... I honestly didn't think about testing it in such a way 😅 I'll test it after lunch and post the result here (You never know someone needs the same answer)
9 replies
Created by stevon8ter on 1/20/2023 in #help
❔ Which ORM? [query sys.objects, ...]
Yeah kinda, any arguments why I should be using Dapper over EF? I know Dapper is a bit more lightweight, but will it really reflect that much on performance?
14 replies
Created by stevon8ter on 1/20/2023 in #help
❔ Which ORM? [query sys.objects, ...]
I want my application to access & display a User-given database (user provided connection string for example). I don't want to change anything about the design of the users database, and don't know its structure beforehand.
14 replies