Created by jop on 7/10/2024 in #✋|help
Connecting to a GCP CloudSQL Instance
Hi there, I am aware this pertains more to GCP but hoping to see if anyone here has some advice that is perhaps more applicable to Railway. I have a GCP CloudSQL Database that I am trying to connect to from my Railway services. My current method of Authenticating with my GCP database is to whitelist inbound IP addresses. Unfortunately, to get a static IP address from Railway I need to upgrade to the Pro plan. Now, even if I did do this, it is mentioned in the documentation that these IP addresses can change sometimes and are often shared with other customers. I am aware that utilising the 'IP whitelist' method is not the best but I am not really sure how to set up alternate methods that work with say, a NextJS app? Has anyone had similar issues and has a good guide/solution on how to connect/auth to a CloudSQL database in a non-ip-whitelist way?
4 replies
Created by jop on 5/8/2024 in #✋|help
Setting up a private PyPi Server
Hey there! I am using this GitHub repo: for setting up a dedicated PyPi server so I can host my own packages and VSC to get around hosting them on the official PyPi servers. I get the Volume error:
The `VOLUME` keyword is banned in Dockerfiles. Use Railway volumes instead.
The `VOLUME` keyword is banned in Dockerfiles. Use Railway volumes instead.
Has anyone got some advice or guidance on trying to achieve this goal with Railway?
11 replies