Marius 🗡
Marius 🗡
Created by Marius 🗡 on 8/13/2024 in #help
Is there a way to block the calling of public method from abstract class inside a derived one?
It makes sense to just not call it, but is there a way to prevent it? example:
public abstract class Abstract
public void Launch() { } // calls some inner private methods belonging to the abstract class itself does work with its data.

public class Derived : Abstract
private void SomeMethod()
Launch(); // <-- is it possible to block such call?

// i would use that launch method in other outer class that uses other specific derived classes and calls the launch method like this:

public class Foo()
public void DoWork()

void Launch<T>() where T : Abstract
Abstract specificClass = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T));
public abstract class Abstract
public void Launch() { } // calls some inner private methods belonging to the abstract class itself does work with its data.

public class Derived : Abstract
private void SomeMethod()
Launch(); // <-- is it possible to block such call?

// i would use that launch method in other outer class that uses other specific derived classes and calls the launch method like this:

public class Foo()
public void DoWork()

void Launch<T>() where T : Abstract
Abstract specificClass = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T));
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