Studying singly linked lists and need help understanding pointer functionality
I would love some help understanding something in the following leetcode problem Merge Two Sorted Lists:
When debugging the solution, I can see that during the while loop that setting the pointer
current.next = temp
modifies dummy.next
to equal the temp
ListNode. However, setting the pointer current = current.next
does not modify dummy. Why is that?18 replies
❔ .razor files intellisense not working - Visual Studio 2022
Declaritives, code blocks, etc are not picking up in razor files. Only the HTML is working with the intellisense. Additionally, I'm not sure if this is related or not, but using the "Add" option in a folder will not let me find or search for razor files. I'm running Visual Studio Community 2022 17.7.2.
2 replies
✅ MVC Core: Model Properties Not Passing to Controller Method
I have a model that I'm trying to have passed back to a controller method, but its properties are appearing as null. The correct POST method is being hit.
I have listed out each property in the form to POST back via
Html.HiddenFor(x => x.PropertyName)
as I have done in many places within this project. They are still coming back null. Any ideas as to what may be going on?6 replies