Created by Tom on 12/20/2024 in #help
RPC + React Query Mutations
Hi all, When I create a react-query mutation using the hono client, if i return the json in a 200 response, the onSuccess does not populate with the right typings, it only shows overlapping keys from other response codes like 400 const $post = api.auth.signin.request.$post; const signInRequestMutation = useMutation< InferResponseType<typeof $post>, Error, InferRequestType<typeof $post>["json"] >({ mutationFn: async (data) => { const res = await $post({ json: data }); if (!res.ok) { throw new Error("An error occurred"); } // Should return: { success: true, user: { //User data } } const response = await res.json(); return response; }, onSuccess: (data) => { // Only data.success is typed as its also in my 400 res console.log(data.user) }, onError: (error) => { console.log(error); }, });
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