Try to do something, if you don't know then search about what you don't know
For example, I want to get weather data from openweatherapi but idk how to do requests, I then search how to do an http request and then try to continue from there
37 replies
I'd recommend getting started on C# itself with some very small and basic $projects and then jumping into unity for that exact reason, you won't know exactly what youre doing
However if you want to write code and implement in unity all you have to do is create a new MonoBehaviour script from unity (or manually if you know how), then attach it to a game object as a component
37 replies
Deleting an entity with a many-to-many relationship throws an ArgumentNullException
what bugs me is that whatever i do with
works perfectly with Person
, they call the "same" methods (from their respective tables), have pretty much the same implementation and only one of them has this issue46 replies