Problem with generating classes on Runtime and with Docker
Code: https://pastebin.com/mpRZQQWq
Problem is I just have .yml file I make to .cs data in runtime.
The Project ist running in a Docker Container but it create me the folder and files even on my system.
I coud let it run 1 time since then I can not seem to build my container anymore.
The Program always failes maybe someone has a idea
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SqlException without stopping or catching
Hello I get a Sql Exception in the following code when I connect to a MSSQL Server and make a Database. The Problem with it I can not catcvh the exception with my try block to see why that happening.
The connection string is fine and evrythings work as intended but I get in the output windows the following Exception.
"Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException" in Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.dll
"Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException" in Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational.dll
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