Théo Pomies
Théo Pomies
Created by Théo Pomies on 12/7/2023 in #questions
Will the special methods slowly transition to traits?
Great, thanks for the updates
10 replies
Created by Théo Pomies on 12/7/2023 in #questions
Will the special methods slowly transition to traits?
I get you, but without these traits, how can I make a parametric function that restricts its arguments to Addable types? If I use structs and fn, I want some static guaranties that I can perform this operation on the arguments. I want that to raise an error at compile time, not runtime, otherwise I'd use the pythonic counterpart
10 replies
Created by Théo Pomies on 12/6/2023 in #questions
will mojo include an all in one tool like cargo
But even with such tools, having to use conda, pip, virtual envs... I like that it's open and there is a plurality of tools, yet it often feels like a mess, a bit like C/C++, when today Rust proves we can have nicer tools, at least a nicer DX
7 replies
Created by Théo Pomies on 12/6/2023 in #questions
will mojo include an all in one tool like cargo
True, I also like poetry, but I must admit, ever since using cargo, it's become the gold standard for me
7 replies
Created by Théo Pomies on 12/6/2023 in #questions
will mojo include an all in one tool like cargo
Thanks, didn't see it
7 replies