Created by Cyan on 9/9/2022 in #help
Solution to mixing SQL queries with entity framework entities
Ok, I think I know the options now. I will discuss it further with the other dev. Thank you very much for your help and explanations.
37 replies
Created by Cyan on 9/9/2022 in #help
Solution to mixing SQL queries with entity framework entities
So both the old and new application can call the services that query the database
37 replies
Created by Cyan on 9/9/2022 in #help
Solution to mixing SQL queries with entity framework entities
Might work
37 replies
Created by Cyan on 9/9/2022 in #help
Solution to mixing SQL queries with entity framework entities
Hmm, so putting it into separate project and writing service classes that query the database and return the info?
37 replies
Created by Cyan on 9/9/2022 in #help
Solution to mixing SQL queries with entity framework entities
Writes comment on enterprise application shim new code into old cruft pattern
37 replies
Created by Cyan on 9/9/2022 in #help
Solution to mixing SQL queries with entity framework entities
Is there a name for this? A design pattern? Somewhere where I can read more about it?
37 replies
Created by Cyan on 9/9/2022 in #help
Solution to mixing SQL queries with entity framework entities
Which uses sql queries
37 replies
Created by Cyan on 9/9/2022 in #help
Solution to mixing SQL queries with entity framework entities
Now we need to copy paste the code again on the new application
37 replies
Created by Cyan on 9/9/2022 in #help
Solution to mixing SQL queries with entity framework entities
So again, lets say we have implemented it.
37 replies
Created by Cyan on 9/9/2022 in #help
Solution to mixing SQL queries with entity framework entities
Ok, I will discuss with the other dev and see if this will work.
37 replies
Created by Cyan on 9/9/2022 in #help
Solution to mixing SQL queries with entity framework entities
You mean using objects entities right?
37 replies
Created by Cyan on 9/9/2022 in #help
Solution to mixing SQL queries with entity framework entities
By hand
37 replies
Created by Cyan on 9/9/2022 in #help
Solution to mixing SQL queries with entity framework entities
A senior dev told me that using ef directly is not always possible because the database is build before entity framework even existed. In beginning of time.
37 replies
Created by Cyan on 9/9/2022 in #help
Solution to mixing SQL queries with entity framework entities
The idea of using the repository pattern is to make such thing happen.
37 replies
Created by Cyan on 9/9/2022 in #help
Solution to mixing SQL queries with entity framework entities
Not possible, too much work. I want to try to build something so future queries have to be written on the new data layer project which can be reused on the old and the new application.
37 replies
Created by Cyan on 9/9/2022 in #help
Solution to mixing SQL queries with entity framework entities
I want to reuse the database as a separate project (DLL) because we are rebuilding the old VB.NET application as a new project while we need to maintain support for the old application.
37 replies
Created by Cyan on 9/9/2022 in #help
Solution to mixing SQL queries with entity framework entities
Planning to do that.
37 replies
Created by Elio on 9/9/2022 in #help
DLL Unable to load file or assembly [Answered]
Try adding reference System.Runtime to the project or nuget:
21 replies
Created by Cyan on 8/22/2022 in #help
namespace missing imports after copying class [Answered]
Thanks for the info, I will start working then. 🥲
13 replies
Created by Cyan on 8/22/2022 in #help
namespace missing imports after copying class [Answered]
I added a namespace to every class using resharper tool and moved every class inside a new folder, now I get errors in classes that they can't find the external static functions that are being called. So I try to Import the namespace of the missing class reference, now I get ambiguous errors because some classes have a functions with the same name. To fix this I have to write out every function call to the namespace of the class. So App.ClassName.FunctionName(). This if I know which class to reference, sometimes I am clueless which function of which class is meant to be called so I end up searching in the old project to see which class to reference to make the function work. Now I have to repeat this a few hundred times because this is a large code base. It's too much work, is there a easier way to move classes out of App_Code without them losing their references
13 replies