DLL Unable to load file or assembly [Answered]
Try adding reference System.Runtime to the project or nuget:
21 replies
namespace missing imports after copying class [Answered]
I added a namespace to every class using resharper tool and moved every class inside a new folder, now I get errors in classes that they can't find the external static functions that are being called. So I try to Import the namespace of the missing class reference, now I get ambiguous errors because some classes have a functions with the same name. To fix this I have to write out every function call to the namespace of the class. So App.ClassName.FunctionName().
This if I know which class to reference, sometimes I am clueless which function of which class is meant to be called so I end up searching in the old project to see which class to reference to make the function work.
Now I have to repeat this a few hundred times because this is a large code base.
It's too much work, is there a easier way to move classes out of App_Code without them losing their references
13 replies