Created by SeoulSKY on 1/30/2025 in #questions-issues
How to add an event listener to reacton.ipyvuetify.FileInput?
I tried the FileDrop component from Solara, and I found its features are limited (e.g. styling and click to upload). So, I tried the rv.FileInput(), which has more features, but it wasn't implemented properly in ipyvuetify, and that was why it didn't give any value to the listener. As a result, I created my custom FileDrop with Vue, which works perfectly (I'm glad that Solara supports creating Vue components!) Thank you for the help anyway!
4 replies
Created by SeoulSKY on 1/30/2025 in #questions-issues
How to add an event listener to reacton.ipyvuetify.FileInput?
I realized this is a way to add a listener
rv.use_event(uploader, "change", lambda a, b, c: print(a, b, c)
rv.use_event(uploader, "change", lambda a, b, c: print(a, b, c)
Where a is the uploader object, b is “change”, and c is {} However, I still couldn't figure out how to get the file object from the event listener.
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