[Avalonia] Beginner attempting a spreadsheet application. Having issues displaying rows.
I'm not all to familiar with the uses of Observers and Event handling quite yet, would you say it might be more documented or beginner friendly? Or just same thing different platform?
36 replies
[Avalonia] Beginner attempting a spreadsheet application. Having issues displaying rows.
It is pretty messy and imcomplete at the moment. Have been attemping to see if the commented function InitializeSpreadsheet in MainWindowViewModel might help as it was another provided function, but it dosen't correlate with the code I have currently quite yet
36 replies
[Avalonia] Beginner attempting a spreadsheet application. Having issues displaying rows.
The issue is more so that I really am not sure what I am looking for to be wrong. I am using a somewhat substantial amount of prewritten code as this is for a school assignment, but I cannot seem to figure out how to make it work properly.
36 replies