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Created by kalebbroo on 7/14/2024 in #help
How to add a watermark to a GIF?
Hello, I'm a beginner and I'm working on a Discord bot. I want to add an image watermark on a GIF I have the bot post. I am using ImageSharp and I cant find a clean way to just add the watermark. I assumed I would have to loop through each frame adding the watermark but it looks like I cant use Mutate on frames. I then thought maybe I had to make each frame an Image first them apply the watermark then recreate the gif but results are very poor. I am not sure there is a good way to do this or im missing it. Please help? I would also take any advice on handling the watermark process.
/// <summary>Adds a watermark to every frame of an animated GIF and returns the modified image as a memory stream.</summary>
/// <param name="imagePath">Path to the original GIF image.</param>
/// <returns>A memory stream containing the watermarked GIF.</returns>
public static async Task<MemoryStream> AddWatermarkToGifAsync(string imagePath)
MemoryStream ms = new();
using Image<Rgba32> originalImage = await Image.LoadAsync<Rgba32>(imagePath);
Image<Rgba32> watermarkImage = await LoadWatermarkImageAsync();
// Create a list to store the modified frames
List<Image<Rgba32>> modifiedFrames = [];
foreach (ImageFrame<Rgba32> frame in originalImage.Frames)
// Create a new image from the frame data
Image<Rgba32> frameImage = new(frame.Width, frame.Height);
// Copy pixel data from the original frame to the new image
frameImage.Frames[0].DangerousTryGetSinglePixelMemory(out Memory<Rgba32> memory);
frame.DangerousTryGetSinglePixelMemory(out Memory<Rgba32> frameMemory);
ApplyWatermarkDirectlyToImage(frameImage, watermarkImage);
// Add the processed frame to the list
// Create a new image to hold the frames with watermarks
using var newImage = new Image<Rgba32>(originalImage.Width, originalImage.Height);
foreach (var modifiedFrame in modifiedFrames)
// Save the new animated GIF to the memory stream
ms.Position = 0;
return ms;

/// <summary>Applies a watermark directly to an image.</summary>
/// <param name="image">The image to apply the watermark to.</param>
/// <param name="watermarkImage">The watermark image.</param>
private static void ApplyWatermarkDirectlyToImage(Image<Rgba32> image, Image<Rgba32> watermarkImage)
int watermarkWidth = image.Width / 5;
int watermarkHeight = watermarkImage.Height * watermarkWidth / watermarkImage.Width;
watermarkImage.Mutate(x => x.Resize(watermarkWidth, watermarkHeight));
int xPosition = image.Width - watermarkWidth - 10;
int yPosition = image.Height - watermarkHeight - 10;
image.Mutate(ctx => ctx.DrawImage(watermarkImage, new Point(xPosition, yPosition), 0.5f)); // Apply 50% opacity

/// <summary>Loads the watermark image from a file or URL.</summary>
/// <returns>The loaded watermark image.</returns>
private static async Task<Image<Rgba32>> LoadWatermarkImageAsync()
if (File.Exists(watermarkPath))
return await Image.LoadAsync<Rgba32>(watermarkPath);
using HttpClient httpClient = new();
Stream watermarkStream = await httpClient.GetStreamAsync(watermarkUrl);
return await Image.LoadAsync<Rgba32>(watermarkStream);
/// <summary>Adds a watermark to every frame of an animated GIF and returns the modified image as a memory stream.</summary>
/// <param name="imagePath">Path to the original GIF image.</param>
/// <returns>A memory stream containing the watermarked GIF.</returns>
public static async Task<MemoryStream> AddWatermarkToGifAsync(string imagePath)
MemoryStream ms = new();
using Image<Rgba32> originalImage = await Image.LoadAsync<Rgba32>(imagePath);
Image<Rgba32> watermarkImage = await LoadWatermarkImageAsync();
// Create a list to store the modified frames
List<Image<Rgba32>> modifiedFrames = [];
foreach (ImageFrame<Rgba32> frame in originalImage.Frames)
// Create a new image from the frame data
Image<Rgba32> frameImage = new(frame.Width, frame.Height);
// Copy pixel data from the original frame to the new image
frameImage.Frames[0].DangerousTryGetSinglePixelMemory(out Memory<Rgba32> memory);
frame.DangerousTryGetSinglePixelMemory(out Memory<Rgba32> frameMemory);
ApplyWatermarkDirectlyToImage(frameImage, watermarkImage);
// Add the processed frame to the list
// Create a new image to hold the frames with watermarks
using var newImage = new Image<Rgba32>(originalImage.Width, originalImage.Height);
foreach (var modifiedFrame in modifiedFrames)
// Save the new animated GIF to the memory stream
ms.Position = 0;
return ms;

/// <summary>Applies a watermark directly to an image.</summary>
/// <param name="image">The image to apply the watermark to.</param>
/// <param name="watermarkImage">The watermark image.</param>
private static void ApplyWatermarkDirectlyToImage(Image<Rgba32> image, Image<Rgba32> watermarkImage)
int watermarkWidth = image.Width / 5;
int watermarkHeight = watermarkImage.Height * watermarkWidth / watermarkImage.Width;
watermarkImage.Mutate(x => x.Resize(watermarkWidth, watermarkHeight));
int xPosition = image.Width - watermarkWidth - 10;
int yPosition = image.Height - watermarkHeight - 10;
image.Mutate(ctx => ctx.DrawImage(watermarkImage, new Point(xPosition, yPosition), 0.5f)); // Apply 50% opacity

/// <summary>Loads the watermark image from a file or URL.</summary>
/// <returns>The loaded watermark image.</returns>
private static async Task<Image<Rgba32>> LoadWatermarkImageAsync()
if (File.Exists(watermarkPath))
return await Image.LoadAsync<Rgba32>(watermarkPath);
using HttpClient httpClient = new();
Stream watermarkStream = await httpClient.GetStreamAsync(watermarkUrl);
return await Image.LoadAsync<Rgba32>(watermarkStream);
2 replies
Created by kalebbroo on 6/9/2024 in #⛅|pods
How to add files?
I just setup a pod for the first time and I am trying to ssh into it to add some custom model files. I am getting this error and the connection closes. I dont really know much about ssh and this is my first pod.
Enjoy your Pod #oxb2cpeousjz ^_^

OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: unable to start container process: chdir to cwd ("/rp-vol/StableSwarmUI") set in config.json failed: no such file or directory: unknown
Connection to closed.
Connection to ssh.runpod.io closed.
Enjoy your Pod #oxb2cpeousjz ^_^

OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: unable to start container process: chdir to cwd ("/rp-vol/StableSwarmUI") set in config.json failed: no such file or directory: unknown
Connection to closed.
Connection to ssh.runpod.io closed.
Im using this template to run Swarm. https://runpod.io/console/deploy?template=u7mlkrmxq3&ref=c6jd6jj0 - Port 2254.
81 replies